Hi Noel,
I'm thinking out load here.
How about if you made a little macro that checks the system's date against
the expiration date you specify?
Here's the germ of what I am thinking:
Sub Aut
Dim Today
Dim MyDate
MyDate = DateSerial(2008, 4, 2) ' The expiration date
Let Today = Now
If now < MyDate Then
'Display a user form that thanks the user and has a link to your web site
for updates and then exit from the presentation
'Put code here to bring you to PowerPoint normal view or run the show
End If
End Sub
Then save a copy of your presentation as a PowerPoint add-in, which you can
distribute to your audience.
You can make this quite robust. You can password protect the code, and the
userforms are versatile so you can do a lot with them.
Does this strike you as an approach to take?
-Jim Gordon
Quoting from "Noel Bailey" <
[email protected]>, in article
[email protected], on [DATE:
Does anyone know if it's possible to create PowerPoint presentations that
will no longer run after a set expiry date or after a set number of uses?
This would be useful if one were to want to sell content on a (annual)
license basis rather than by customers making a one off payment.