


I want to install ACCESS on a machine at our local Police Department. The
database will be accessed (no pun intended) for both reporting and updating
by multiple officers/staff within the department. So there will be one
database with multiple clients accessing that single database. With respect
to licensing issues, are there any licensing issues with this configuration?
Can I purchase a single copy of ACCESS and provide the capabilities that I've
outlined? Do I have to purchase a server version? Multiple copies of ACCESS?

What other licensing issues have I not considered?

Douglas J. Steele

Licensing issues should really be taken up with Microsoft (this is a
peer-to-peer support mechanism, as opposed to one that Microsoft actively
participates in), but my understanding is that if you've only got the one
machine, you should only require a single license, regardless of how many
people may use that machine (only one person at a time will be able to use
the machine anyhow).

On the other hand, if you were thinking of putting the Access database on a
server, and having people connect to it from a variety of machines, you
would need a copy of Access installed on each machine. You can purchase a
royalty-free run-time version of Access. Users who don't have Access
installed will be able to install the run-time and use your application.
They will not be able to use the runtime to make design changes to your
application (nor to any other MDB) However, unless you're talking more than
at least 5 copies of Access, it's doubtful that it's worth your while to go
this route.

There is no such thing as a server version of Access.

However, you might want to check the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement)

Larry Daugherty

If they are accessing it via terminals then only one copy of Access is
required. If there is just a normal network setup and they are
accessing via PCs they'll need some version of Access on each machine.

If you're using the latest and greatest then you'll either need retail
Access on each machine or the current Access Runtime version. In
order to legally distribute the runtime you must have the appropriate
version of the developer tools. The name and, now, even the placement
of the tools varies with each edition of Access.

If you are or want to use an older version you can probably find ample
copies of Access 97, etc., on eBay or from UsedSoftware. You might
also find a used copy of the developer tools available.


Brendan Reynolds

Each client requires a licence. From the EULA (End User Licence Agreement)

1.2 Alternative Rights for Storage/Network Use. As an alternative to
Section 1.1(a), you may install a copy of the Software on a network storage
device, such as a server computer, and allow one access device, such as a
personal computer, to access and use that licensed copy of the Software over
a private network. You must obtain a license to the Software for each
additional device that accesses and uses the Software installed on the
network storage device, except as permitted by Section 1.4 of this EULA.
1.4 License Grant for Remote Assistance. You may permit any device to
access and use your licensed copy of the Software for the sole purpose of
providing you with technical support and maintenance services.

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