Like Operator is Case Insensitive


Dennis W. Bulgrien

When Like is case-insensitive when used in an Access query expression. To
perform a case-sensitive Like operation, use the following function in the query
expression instead.

' Desc:
' Functions like the Like operator, used to compare two strings.
' This function compares case per the Option Compare statement. Set Option
Compare to Binary for case-sensitive matching.
' Args:
' sString; any string expression.
' sPattern; any string expression conforming to the pattern-matching
conventions described in Like's Remarks.
' Ret:
' True if sString matches sPattern; False if there is no match.
Function FLike(ByVal sString As String, ByVal SPattern As String) As Boolean
FLike = sString Like SPattern
End Function

"Dennis W. Bulgrien" <dbulgrien vcsd com> wrote in message
How can an expression perform a case-sensitive wildcard operation?

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