LIKE statement in ADO prodices no results


Vlad Botvinnik

I have a front/end and back/end MS Access databases that I am connecting via
In the f/e I am issuing a query containing LIKE statement. The very same
query works fine when issued in the b/e Access mdb.
When placed in f/e VBA code, it does not work, there are no results returned,
but no syntax error. I have a strong suspicion that the wildcard * may not
work properly with ADO?
My query is something like this:
"Select field1, field2 from tbl where field2 LIKE '*blah*'"
after successful DAO connection in VBA.
There are no results. But there are results when the same query is issued in
the b/e as a saved query.
Any help is appreciated.

Duane Hookom

ADO uses % as a wild card character rather than *.
Select field1, field2 from tbl where field2 LIKE '%blah%'

Aaron Kempf

yes; move to ADO syntax and use Access Data Projects

with ADP you can even use fulltext search; it is about 100 times faster than
anything in the MDB world

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