Limit Combo Box Selection



I have a event form which has an attendees subform that contains a combo box
with a list of all employees. When an event data is initially entered a list
of employees attending that event are selected from the combo box on that
subform. Once the event is complete I have another subform for ranking the
event. I have an attendeeID combo box on the ranking form that I would like
to limit to just those employees that were originally selected as attending
the particular event. How can I do this? All those in attendance do not have
to fill out ranking. Thanks

bhicks11 via

Couple of questions:

It sounds like you are going into this form at different times - are you
saving the results of the list of employees attending this event? If so, you
would filter the subform to list of attending. Do you have any SQL that you
have tried that you can show?



Yes, one would go to the form at different times. I am saving the results of
the attendees selected in a tblIntersection, a junction between the tblEvent
and Author (which contains EventID, AuthorID, IntersectionID). On the Ranking
subform I have a combo box that right now pulls up ALL the attendees listed
in the tblIntersection (See below.) I feel like I am missing something really
easy here but its just coming to me. I appreciate you assistance.

SELECT DISTINCT Author.Author, Author.AuthorID FROM tblEvent INNER JOIN
(Author INNER JOIN tblIntersection ON
Author.AuthorID=tblIntersection.AuthorID) ON

bhicks11 via

I'm a little confused by the SQL because I don't know the background. Maybe
you could try this to bring it down to an understandable place:

Create a query in the Query Designer, Filter it on the EventID (or filter it
on the EventID from the form somewhere if it is there: =form!thisform.
EventIDfield) Show the Attendees in your fields and view it. See what is
missing/wrong. If you can get it here, copy the SQL code to your combobox.

Yes, one would go to the form at different times. I am saving the results of
the attendees selected in a tblIntersection, a junction between the tblEvent
and Author (which contains EventID, AuthorID, IntersectionID). On the Ranking
subform I have a combo box that right now pulls up ALL the attendees listed
in the tblIntersection (See below.) I feel like I am missing something really
easy here but its just coming to me. I appreciate you assistance.

SELECT DISTINCT Author.Author, Author.AuthorID FROM tblEvent INNER JOIN
(Author INNER JOIN tblIntersection ON
Author.AuthorID=tblIntersection.AuthorID) ON
Couple of questions:
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]


I got it working properly, thanks!

bhicks11 via said:
I'm a little confused by the SQL because I don't know the background. Maybe
you could try this to bring it down to an understandable place:

Create a query in the Query Designer, Filter it on the EventID (or filter it
on the EventID from the form somewhere if it is there: =form!thisform.
EventIDfield) Show the Attendees in your fields and view it. See what is
missing/wrong. If you can get it here, copy the SQL code to your combobox.

Yes, one would go to the form at different times. I am saving the results of
the attendees selected in a tblIntersection, a junction between the tblEvent
and Author (which contains EventID, AuthorID, IntersectionID). On the Ranking
subform I have a combo box that right now pulls up ALL the attendees listed
in the tblIntersection (See below.) I feel like I am missing something really
easy here but its just coming to me. I appreciate you assistance.

SELECT DISTINCT Author.Author, Author.AuthorID FROM tblEvent INNER JOIN
(Author INNER JOIN tblIntersection ON
Author.AuthorID=tblIntersection.AuthorID) ON
Couple of questions:
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]
the particular event. How can I do this? All those in attendance do not have
to fill out ranking. Thanks

bhicks11 via

Good, good!
I got it working properly, thanks!
I'm a little confused by the SQL because I don't know the background. Maybe
you could try this to bring it down to an understandable place:
[quoted text clipped - 24 lines]

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