Limit Drop down in datasheet view (subform)



I have a tables


tblRecipeBin has a lookuptable for it's bin name--which comes from a table
tblBinName that has all bin names.

A recipe consists of N tblRecipeBin records linked to tblRecipe by recipe_ID

On my form for Recipes I have tblRecipe as the master
and I have 5 subforms each on a tabpage.

These all show in datasheet view. They each use a query that gets all
tblRecipeBin records for the appropriate category.

There are 5 categories of bins MAJ,MIN,LIQ,HND,DWN.

The problem is that in the datasheet view, say for tab 1 (Major Bins--"MAJ")
when the user clicks the BinName field--which really gets the ID associated
with that name, all bin types show up although I only want to see MAJ types
on that type, MIN types on the other ,etc.

Is there a way in this situation that I could limit it for each datasheet to
the appropriate bin categories?

I don't know how since this list comes from tblRecipeBins' lookup table
which just gets them all because it doesn't know which one we need.



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