limit of 7 "IF"-functions - why I need 10!



can anybody help me with either to extend the limit of "IF" funtions
in a statement from 7 to a minimum of 10 or alternatively help me with
a work-around! It is to messy what I have come up with and its not
working proberly.

Because I have more than 7 statements I have been forced to split my
list in to, but now I can't figure out a way to connect them again!

I want to be able to write 1 of 10 abbrevations (e.g FI) in a cell.
This statement triggers the value (e.g 96.000) again 1 of 10 of FI in a
different cell.
The value 96.000 triggers the full name of the abbrevation (Full
Indsustry) in a third cell.

I have not been able to combine the formula so that when I write FI
excel will write both the price and the full name of the abbrevation in
their respective cells.

This i what is triggered in the second cell (

The second cell trigger inj the third cell:
=IF(C66="Abbr.";"FI, PI, LS, CS, or O";IF(C66="FI";"Full
Industry";IF(C66="PI";"Partial Industry";IF(C66="LS";"Local
Store";IF(C66="CS";"Center Store";HVIS(C66="O";"Office"))))))

In other words I need to put in additional parameters in the function
in order for it to accommodate my needs! (R1, R2, R3, R4)

I may have gone around this all backwards, but I do not want use
"lists". Any suggestions?


Frank Kabel


you should use VLOOKUP:
1. Create a seperate lookup table (e.g. on sheet 2) which should look
like the following
FI 96000 Full Industry
PI 48000 Partial Industrie

2. To get the appropiate values for the second cell use
=VLOOKUP(C66,'Sheet 2'!$A$1:$C$20,2,FALSE)

3. To get the appropiate values for the thirdcell use
=VLOOKUP(C66,'Sheet 2'!$A$1:$C$20,3,FALSE)


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