can anybody help me with either to extend the limit of "IF" funtions
in a statement from 7 to a minimum of 10 or alternatively help me with
a work-around! It is to messy what I have come up with and its not
working proberly.
Because I have more than 7 statements I have been forced to split my
list in to, but now I can't figure out a way to connect them again!
I want to be able to write 1 of 10 abbrevations (e.g FI) in a cell.
This statement triggers the value (e.g 96.000) again 1 of 10 of FI in a
different cell.
The value 96.000 triggers the full name of the abbrevation (Full
Indsustry) in a third cell.
I have not been able to combine the formula so that when I write FI
excel will write both the price and the full name of the abbrevation in
their respective cells.
This i what is triggered in the second cell (
The second cell trigger inj the third cell:
=IF(C66="Abbr.";"FI, PI, LS, CS, or O";IF(C66="FI";"Full
Industry";IF(C66="PI";"Partial Industry";IF(C66="LS";"Local
Store";IF(C66="CS";"Center Store";HVIS(C66="O";"Office"))))))
In other words I need to put in additional parameters in the function
in order for it to accommodate my needs! (R1, R2, R3, R4)
I may have gone around this all backwards, but I do not want use
"lists". Any suggestions?
can anybody help me with either to extend the limit of "IF" funtions
in a statement from 7 to a minimum of 10 or alternatively help me with
a work-around! It is to messy what I have come up with and its not
working proberly.
Because I have more than 7 statements I have been forced to split my
list in to, but now I can't figure out a way to connect them again!
I want to be able to write 1 of 10 abbrevations (e.g FI) in a cell.
This statement triggers the value (e.g 96.000) again 1 of 10 of FI in a
different cell.
The value 96.000 triggers the full name of the abbrevation (Full
Indsustry) in a third cell.
I have not been able to combine the formula so that when I write FI
excel will write both the price and the full name of the abbrevation in
their respective cells.
This i what is triggered in the second cell (
The second cell trigger inj the third cell:
=IF(C66="Abbr.";"FI, PI, LS, CS, or O";IF(C66="FI";"Full
Industry";IF(C66="PI";"Partial Industry";IF(C66="LS";"Local
Store";IF(C66="CS";"Center Store";HVIS(C66="O";"Office"))))))
In other words I need to put in additional parameters in the function
in order for it to accommodate my needs! (R1, R2, R3, R4)
I may have gone around this all backwards, but I do not want use
"lists". Any suggestions?