Limit on number of Word graphic objects?



I have a coworker who has always used Word's own drawing
features to draw diagrams in Word. We recently moved to
Office XP (his machine's OS is NT 4) and he generally
finds things do not work as they used to.

However he now has a specific problem with a particular
document which probably contains hundreds of textbox
graphic objects, most with a dozen characters of text in
them. When he tried to add just one more text box, Word
hung. It turns out this document has more text boxes in it
than he has ever drawn before. We discovered that if we
delete 3 of the text boxes, it will let us add 3 new ones,
but one more and Word will hang again - then we have to
kill it with the task manager.

So - is there a limit on the number of a) Word - drawn
text boxes b) characters in Word-drawn text boxes c) Word-
drawn graphic objects that Word XP can put into a single
document ?

Are there any workarounds ?

I have recommended moving all the drawing to Powerpoint,
since there have been other issues about the text in the
text boxes gaining heading styles which would never happen
with graphic objects pasted in from another application.
However time does not permit moving to another application
for this document.


I am having the identical problem, plus others! I am
wasting so much time because the program freezes
constnatly. Have you found any solutions? I would greatly
appreciate your forwarding them to me at
(e-mail address removed).


Bob - thanks for the advice, I'll pass it on and let you
know if anything succeeds!

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