Limit pivot functionality



Hi all, I am trying to achieve the following but am not sure if this
is possible:
1) Retain pivot functionality without allowing users to access the
underlying data
2) Retain pivot functionality without enabling users to amend the
pivot table so that it is effectively just a list of the underlying
transactional data

I can sort of achieve (1) by changing the 'Enable Show Details'
property, but users can simply turn this back on. The option to re-
enable show details can be disabled if the .PivotCache.EnableRefresh
is set to false, but this means the pivot functionality is removed.
I can hide the underlying data OK.

The only functionality I want to retain is for the user to be able to
re-pivot using the fields already in the pivot table, and not be able
to add any more fields.

Does anyone know if this is even possible?
Many thanks, J.

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