Limit spell check to only a selected word



I refer to Word 2003 running on a Windows XP computer. I want to limit spell
checking to only the word that I select.

If I recall correctly, I could spell check a word by selecting it and then
clicking on the Spelling and Grammar icon (the letters "ABC" above a
checkmark) on the Standard toolbar. The spell check would check only the
selected word, I could correct if appropriate, and then spell check would
then offer the option of checking the rest of the document. I wold check "no".

When I do that now, the spell checker does not start with the selected word
if another word is misspelled in the same paragraph. In this case, the spell
checker starts with the previously misspelled word and then makes its way to
the word that I want checked.

I understand that I can right click on the word that I want spell checked,
then click in the Spelling and Grammar icon, decide. But then the spell
checker continues to the next misspelled word. I would go to the right-click
mode of accessing spell checker if I cold limit the action to only the word
that I want checked.

One way or another, how can I limit spell checking to only the word that I
select and want spell checked?

Thank you.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

There are [at least] two ways to limit it.

When I select a Word and then click on the Spelling tool, after accepting a
suggestion, Word tells me that it's finished checking the selection and asks
if I want to continue. If I don't want to, clicking No closes the spelling
and ancillary dialog.

Alternatively, if I right click on a misspelled word, Word gives me a list
of suggested corrections at the top of the right-click popup menu. If I
accept one of the suggestions, Word stops at that point and doesn't move to
the next misspelling.

If you're not seeing the suggestion list, choose Tools - Options - Spelling
and Grammar, and make sure that Always suggest corrections is checked.


Herb Tyson said:
There are [at least] two ways to limit it.

When I select a Word and then click on the Spelling tool, after accepting a
suggestion, Word tells me that it's finished checking the selection and asks
if I want to continue. If I don't want to, clicking No closes the spelling
and ancillary dialog.

Thank you for your reply. I noted that this does not work for me any more.

Is there a way to restore the function?

Thanks again.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

The first step usually is to try starting in Safe mode to see if this
remedies the problem (press Ctrl as Word is starting, and click Yes to
starting in safe mode).

If the problem goes away in save mode, the usual cause of such problem is:

1. Corrupted

2. Corrupted Data or Options key in the registry.

3. Misbehaving add-in.

These articles have steps to take in trying to narrow such problems down:

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible

MichBALT said:
Herb Tyson said:
There are [at least] two ways to limit it.

When I select a Word and then click on the Spelling tool, after accepting
suggestion, Word tells me that it's finished checking the selection and
if I want to continue. If I don't want to, clicking No closes the
and ancillary dialog.

Thank you for your reply. I noted that this does not work for me any more.

Is there a way to restore the function?

Thanks again.

Cheryl Flanders

With your cursor anywhere in the misspelled word, press Shift + F10 to
bring up the context menu with the same choices you get in the abc
dialog box. Arrow keys and Enter will confirm your selection.



Herb Tyson said:
The first step usually is to try starting in Safe mode to see if this
remedies the problem (press Ctrl as Word is starting, and click Yes to
starting in safe mode).

If the problem goes away in save mode, the usual cause of such problem is....

Thank you for this suggestion. The problem persists even in safe mode. Any
other suggestions?

I could follow up with the troubleshooting routes that you suggested, or
perhaps uninstall and reinstall.

Thanks for the tip about starting Word in safe mode simply by pressing the
CTRL key while Word is starting. I thought that to start in mode, the F8 key
has to be tapped while the system is booted.

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