I have a lookup in one of my tables; I am trying to change the Limit To List
property to "No", however when I do a box pops up. The box says:
"Microsoft Office Access can't set the LimitToList property to No right now.
The First visible column, which is determined by the ColumnWidths property,
isn't equal to the bound column. Adjust the ColumnWidths property first, and
then set the LimitToList property."
my Column Widths property set to: 2";2"
my Bound Column Property is set to: 2
property to "No", however when I do a box pops up. The box says:
"Microsoft Office Access can't set the LimitToList property to No right now.
The First visible column, which is determined by the ColumnWidths property,
isn't equal to the bound column. Adjust the ColumnWidths property first, and
then set the LimitToList property."
my Column Widths property set to: 2";2"
my Bound Column Property is set to: 2