Limitations of SQL on server


Brian Williams

We're considering deploying BCM with SQL 2005 Express on Small Business
Server 2003 R2. One concern is the 4 gigabyte database limitation.

When the limitation is reach, what options are available to keep growing, it
appears from reading other posts that connection to multiple SQL databases by
the same users is not possible.

Anyone have thoughts are suggestions?

Thank you,
Brian Williams
Microsoft Small Business Specialist

Lon Orenstein


If you're on an SBS Server, you don't have the 4GB limitation of Express.
Running on SBS is really the best option -- pile on some RAM (4-8GB) and a
fast LAN and BCM should do just fine.

Yes, each user can have multiple databases, either on the server or their
hard drive. From the main Outlook menu, they click on Business Contact
Manager, Database Tools, Create or Select a Database.


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager

Brian Williams

Hi Lon,

Thanks for responding but this doesn't help answer my question.

SQL 2005 Express, does have a 4 gig limitiation, see, placing the SQL
Express database on a server doesn't change this limitation.

SBS 2003 and SBS 2003 R2 have a 4 gigabyte memory limitation, irregardless
of whether you're on 32 bit or 64 bit hardware. This will change with Cougar.

So my question is still this, if 5 users are sharing/connecting to the same
SQL 2005 Express database what are the options if/when they reach the 4
gigabyte database limitation? Will they have to start with a new blank

Thanks again,

Lon Orenstein

Well, this isn't my area of expertise -- maybe Luther can add some wisdom to
this thread...

I understand that SBS has a 4GB max on the machine but my point was that SQL
Standard does NOT have a 4GB per database limit and BCM is able to use SQL
Standard, not just SQL Express. Now, how SBS can handle a database of
greater than 4GB with only 4GB in the machine is beyond my expertise. That
was the point I was trying to make...

Let's see if we can get an opinion from Luther...


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager


Hi Brian,

BCM does not store attachments in the database. (Please take note of
that, it sucks)
Therefor, I don't think you will max it out with 4gb worth of text
(or html) in the database before bcm 2009 comes into play or whatever
they will call the new version.

Hopes this helps


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