Limiting slide show navigation


Kenny Newbry

I am trying to create a simple CBT using Powerpoint (there's not time to do
it in HTML). Since it is supposed to be a CBT rather than just a slide
show, I want to restrict users from being able to just click right through.
I know how to use links to create the navigation that I want, but does
anyone know if you can limit navigation to just the embedded links? Is
there any way to keep the keyboard and mouse from going to the next or
previous slide when the PPT is loaded on the web?

Kathy Jacobs

Go to Slide Show--> Set up show and change the mode for the presentation to
Kiosk. Since you have navigation built into your slides, this should get you
where you want to go!

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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