CG Rosen
Good day Group,
As a newbie to sql programming in vba I have run into problems.
By help from checking old posts in this group I have managed to
write codes that with a ADO connection and sql statement extracts
data from a closed workbook. I have data in a list in the source
workbook that is in abt 4000 rows and 60 columns, When runing
the code I will only have 1024 rows extracted. Some columns has
cells with up to 500 characters.
How to overide this row limit?
CG Rosen
' this code gives only 1024 rows. Why?
szSQL = "SELECT * FROM [db_test1$]"
Set rsData = New ADODB.Recordset
rsData.Open szSQL, szConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
As a newbie to sql programming in vba I have run into problems.
By help from checking old posts in this group I have managed to
write codes that with a ADO connection and sql statement extracts
data from a closed workbook. I have data in a list in the source
workbook that is in abt 4000 rows and 60 columns, When runing
the code I will only have 1024 rows extracted. Some columns has
cells with up to 500 characters.
How to overide this row limit?
CG Rosen
' this code gives only 1024 rows. Why?
szSQL = "SELECT * FROM [db_test1$]"
Set rsData = New ADODB.Recordset
rsData.Open szSQL, szConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly