limits on sharing notes?


Debbie Carraway


I am trying to find info on what the practical limit is for the number
of users who can participate in a single real-time note sharing session.
I have a client who is trying to share notes with a class of about 24
students (all in one room, 100Mbps LAN environment).

After 3 or 4 students connect to the session, no one else can. The error
message he receives complains of a firewall issue, but that doesn't
actually seem to be the case. Is anyone else sharing notes with large
numbers of other people?

Thanks very much,


Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

We've done it up to about 75 people here. As more people join, the
possibility that someone new cannot join goes up slightly since each new
joiner has to be able to see the others on the net within a reasonable time
period. But 3 or 4 should be no problem at all, especially on a fast network
like yours. What's the exact error?

Is your network such that each person is on the internet directly, or are
you working off a DHCP server? Are they all on the same server, or do you
have different domains, etc?

Chris Pratley (MS)

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