Line Chart with Additional Criteria



Can this be done without using a pivot table?

I would like to show deferral rates in multiple categories
by month for several product lines.

Product Name (13)
Month Occurred (12)
Deferral Reason (8)
Occurrences of Each Reason

Jon Peltier

Annabelle -

You don't need a pivot table if your data is already appropriately
arranged. The value of a pivot table is that it can take your list and
turn it into a nice array for plotting. Also, as I've already told a
few people in the past week, don't make a pivot chart from the pivot
table, make a regular chart, so you retain control over the chart and
its formatting.

Thinking quickly about your problem statement, I realize it's going to
be pretty complicated. How do you think your chart will look?

- Jon


I haven't accomplished this before and not sure how to
visualize. The goal would be to format information, by
month, that could be included in a printed report,
demonstrating a more detailed view. Is there a place
online or a book that may demonstrate the possibilities of
this type of chart?

I appreciate your time.

Jon Peltier

I think what you want is to show a general chart, then a more detailed
one. The problem is, more detail means harder to understand. The trick
is figuring out how to break the detail up into several less detailed

On one chart, you could show annual revenue for several companies. To
show the revenue by product type, you'd have to break it down somehow,
and then decide whether to show one chart per year with the added
detail, or one chart per company, or otherwise break it down.

You're getting into the philosophy of charting, and most resources
you'll find deal with the mechanics of charting. You might look up some
of Edward Tufte's work on visualization of information. Although he
hates Excel and PowerPoint, you could certainly apply his concepts.
Just dispense with 3D effects and crazy formatting.

- Jon

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