Arne Hegefors
Hi! I have a normal line chart (eg a chart with atwo lines. one showing the
price of pepsi and the other showing the price of Coca cola). On the x-axis I
show the dates. Now on certain dates I want to insert bars into the graph to
highlight to the view that something has happened. The bars shall go from
the top to the bottom of the chart.
I have tried doing that by creating a "time series" for the bars ie showing
a very high value on the dates that I want to highlight and zero otherwise.
this did not work. I also tried adding Highest-Lowest bars to the bars but
they spilled over into the lines. Is there anyone how knows of a good way of
doing this or maybe a site that explains how to do it I would be most
grateful for your help. Thanks!
price of pepsi and the other showing the price of Coca cola). On the x-axis I
show the dates. Now on certain dates I want to insert bars into the graph to
highlight to the view that something has happened. The bars shall go from
the top to the bottom of the chart.
I have tried doing that by creating a "time series" for the bars ie showing
a very high value on the dates that I want to highlight and zero otherwise.
this did not work. I also tried adding Highest-Lowest bars to the bars but
they spilled over into the lines. Is there anyone how knows of a good way of
doing this or maybe a site that explains how to do it I would be most
grateful for your help. Thanks!