Line Charts with 3 sets of data?


J. Stacey

I have a table with 3 columns. 2 of the columns include
the X and Y values for the plot (results should be one
line plotted on the graph.) I want the 3rd column values
to act as corresponding labels to the plots. Example:

x y
A 1 4
B 2 3
C 3 2
D 4 1

So (1,4) is one point, (2,4), etc. I need the (1,4) point
to be labeled as A. Is it possible? Any help is


Jon said:
There are a couple of free add-ins that can handle labeling of data

Rob Bovey's Chart Labeler (
John Walkenbach's Chart Tools (

Jon's reply showed up before the original post, so I'll have to add to Jon's
comments. J. Stacey, you want an XY scatter chart instead of a line chart.
Put the X and Y data in the "X values" and "Y values" slots. Then use Jon's
suggestions to label those data points with A, B, C, D....

dvt at psu dot edu

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