Line spacing on envelopes


John Conner

When I use Tools>Envelopes I can find no way to decrease the spacing between
lines of either return or destination address. The defaulted spacing appears
to be double or triple to accommodate very large fonts. Since I normally use
10 or 12 pt, I would like the line spacing to be less. Ideas?


Hi John -

Among other possibilities;

Those portions of your envelope are controlled by styles, specifically:
Envelope Address and Envelope Return (IIRC). Those styles are both based on
Normal para style which - as its default - uses single line spacing & no
space before or after paragraphs. If you have intentionally or accidentally
changed the specs for Normal style you have changed the others as well. IOW,
this determines the default for envelope formatting. If you want to make a
global modification you'll need to modify the corresponding style. There is
no setting in the Envelopes & Labels dialog to make a change to
line/paragraph spacing.

If this is just for a single envelope, use the "Add to Document" button. The
return & delivery address areas are positioned on the envelope as text
boxes. Reformat the addresses for that envelope as you would any other

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