line spacing



I inherited a long document that I am editing. On the screen the spaces
between paragraphs looks just fine. Some of the paragraphs have numbering
and sub-numbering. I've turned on the reveal codes and have checked the
before and after line spacing to ensure that it is the same. All the fonts
match and it is all single spaced. On the screen all looks OK. When I
print, I get random extra lines being inserted after various paragraphs and
sub-paragraphs. I've checked everything that I can think of to account for
this glitch. Help!

Graham Mayor

Does the error display in Print Preview? If so it may be a printer driver
problem. That being the case try updating the printer driver.
If you have PDF creation software (if not try PrimoPDF which is a free
download - or for Word 2007 the Microsoft plug-in) output the document to
PDF. If that looks correct print from there.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Pamelia Caswell via

Does the document contain any run-in headings that use the style separator?
If so, make sure that the line and paragraph spacing for the run-in heading
style is the same as the text.

--The space before in the heading style is OK, but not space after. W2003
adds the "space after" after the body text paragraph. W2007 adds it after
the line the heading is in.


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