line spacing



This is something that drives me absolutely bezerk!

Why is it that sometimes, if I have 1.5 line spacing, but
want (say) 2 lines at 1.0, I can highlight them, select and
apply the spacing that I want without affecting other
text... but other times (most of the time) it doesn't work
that way?

Is there a setting somewhere to tell Word that I want to be
able to select certain lines and apply the spacing JUST to
that area w/o Word applying it to other text? I looked in
Format > Paragraph > Indents & Spacing, but I don't want a
whole paragraph solution, I want a line by line solution and
I want it to be global.

For instance:
Bullets... I want them spaced 1.5, but any multiple lines
within a bullet at 1.0.

Recipes... I want the ingredients listed at 1.5, but the
instructions at 1.0.


Practice safe eating - always use condiments

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Line spacing is a paragraph property. You can't have some lines in a
paragraph with different spacing from the rest.

Stefan Blom

Like Suzanne said, you cannot have different line spacing for
different lines within a paragraph. However, I'm not sure that is what
you need, either. If I understand your description of bulleted items
correctly, it seems as though you want single spacing within a
bulleted paragraph, but spacing between bullets, something like this:



If this is what you want, you can select the text and then choose
Paragraph from the Format menu. Click the Indents and Spacing tab.
Under "Line Spacing", specify "Single". And for "Space Before",
specify the desired amount in points. (If you are familiar with
paragraph styles, you can of course make these changes in the style
definition instead.)


Line spacing is a paragraph property. You can't have some lines in a
paragraph with different spacing from the rest.

Thanks. I guess I discovered that by experience, but didn't
want to believe it was true. :(

If I put a hard return between bullets, would that make each
one a new paragraph?

Practice safe eating - always use condiments


Like Suzanne said, you cannot have different line spacing for
different lines within a paragraph. However, I'm not sure that is what
you need, either. If I understand your description of bulleted items
correctly, it seems as though you want single spacing within a
bulleted paragraph, but spacing between bullets, something like this:



If this is what you want, you can select the text and then choose
Paragraph from the Format menu. Click the Indents and Spacing tab.
Under "Line Spacing", specify "Single". And for "Space Before",
specify the desired amount in points.

AHA! That's a plan! I'm going to give it a try...
Many, many thanks for the input!
(If you are familiar with
paragraph styles, you can of course make these changes in the style
definition instead.)

I'm not that sophisticated.


Practice safe eating - always use condiments

Stefan Blom

sf said:
Thanks. I guess I discovered that by experience, but didn't
want to believe it was true. :(

If I put a hard return between bullets, would that make each
one a new paragraph?

Yes, to press ENTER means to create a new paragraph.

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