Uh, I'm confused by your post. Below I've pasted the instructions to
change the spacing. But I don't know what Print Layout has to do with
the spacing, and I don't understand what has changed and what you are
seeing. View | Print Layout should work. Can you explain a bit more
The spacing issue:
Word changed the default to add more space between paragraphs, so that
each paragraph will be single-spaced, but *between* paragraphs, you get
extra space. Paragraphs are created every time you hit enter.
To change in just this document, select all, go to Format | Paragraph.
Look down to the find the Spacing: After field, and change 10 to 0.
To change this in all documents created from now on, change the Normal
First, select Format | Style. Normal should be selected.
Click on Modify--make sure "add to template" is CHECKED. You'll see a
Format menu in the bottom of the dialog--select Paragraph from it, and
change the Spacing: After setting from 10 to 0.