look i searched about that but i didnt find any answer
but you have one soluation
1- from view menu choose header and footer
2- form drawing tool bar choose draw line and draw it between columns and format it with any style you want but it will be apply for all pages of your document
alaa, egypt
Gandalf the Gre wrote:
line weighting between columns
I'm using Word 2007. I have a document with three columns and I need a line
between each column. I check the 'Line between' box in the column settings,
but I can't find any way to change the weighting. It prints too heavy and I
would prefer light lines. Any ideas?
Previous Posts In This Thread:
line weighting between columns
I'm using Word 2007. I have a document with three columns and I need a line
between each column. I check the 'Line between' box in the column settings,
but I can't find any way to change the weighting. It prints too heavy and I
would prefer light lines. Any ideas?
The "Line between columns" cannot be formatted in any way. Sorry.-- Suzanne S.
The "Line between columns" cannot be formatted in any way. Sorry.
message line
Thanks for replying.
Thanks for replying.
It seems like a poor oversight on the part of the creators of Word not to
include such a simple operation. Why would they assume that people who want
a line between columns want a thick one?
I hope they include it in updates, but ideally they would have thought of it
when Windows 3.1 was still being used. Come on, Microsoft!
FWIW, most complaints I've seen about the line between columns have beenthat
FWIW, most complaints I've seen about the line between columns have been
that it was too light/thin or that the color couldn't be changed. In Word
2003, the line appears to be about ?? point, which is not especially heavy.
message want
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