Line Width Difference in Word X vs. Word 2004


Marc Wielage

I stumbled onto a bizarre problem the other day. I opened up a document
originally written and formatted with Word X for Mac OSX. With Word 2004, my
page breaks were substantially different -- we're talking an INCH off on
every page -- which completely screwed-up the formatting.

Sure enough, when I re-open the document in the old version of Word,
everything is fine. In order to send the document via Email, the only way I
could be sure that the page breaks would be correct, I converted it to a PDF.
That worked fine -- the PDF printed fine, and it also displayed on-screen
exactly the way I wanted. I was able to email it just fine -- but I couldn't
have done this if I had deleted my old copy of Word.

When I examined copies of the document simultaneously on the two versions of
Word, side-by-side, it was apparent to me that for some reason, the vertical
line width is totally different in the new version. What's happened? Why
would an old document suddenly display in a completely different way under
Word 2004?

More importantly, is there anything I can do to force Word 2004 (aka version
11.0) to retain the right vertical line spacing?

This is all under OSX 10.3.4, just using a single font -- Helvetica. I'm
totally puzzled here.


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