When I create PDF-Files out of Microsoft Office Documents table-borders are
not displayed in the same quality as when I create a PDF-File from the same
table out of Acrobat InDesign:
The created PDFs look good at a magnification of 156%, but when zooming in
or out the borders look awful or disappear completely.
It seems to be more a problem of the Word-Documents, since Acrobat Distiller
uses the same Settings for both applications.
Is there a way to get better results with Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat?
Please advise me what to do.
Best regards,
When I create PDF-Files out of Microsoft Office Documents table-borders are
not displayed in the same quality as when I create a PDF-File from the same
table out of Acrobat InDesign:
The created PDFs look good at a magnification of 156%, but when zooming in
or out the borders look awful or disappear completely.
It seems to be more a problem of the Word-Documents, since Acrobat Distiller
uses the same Settings for both applications.
Is there a way to get better results with Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat?
Please advise me what to do.
Best regards,