Lines & Boxes problem : they move down whatever I do !



Hi all,

have very strange problem appearing in a document
containing much text, formatted, for a reference book.

All was OK at beginning with boxes / lines in place around
and between text such as in

.. hjdhdhdh .
.. jdjdjdjdjdjdjdjd .
.. hdhdhdhd .
Now have added more pages and so on, and while I
repaginated the whole, I saw that the lines were no more
at their right places. SO I tried to move them up ( they
allways had went down a couple of mm) : no way ! Whatever
key I hit, they move down ( left/right curosr, up /
down !).
If I drag and drop with the mouse : they do not stay where
I drop them and go down !
If I select and try to Ctrl-move ( whatever direction) :
doesn't work and the object is deselected as soon as I do
the first step !

Any ideas ? Virus somewhere ? Some damned format somewher
in th text ?

Please help : have spend enormous time building that text,
and want it to look correct !


Suzanne S. Barnhill

How are you creating these lines/boxes? If they are drawing lines, you'll
probably always have problems with them. Have you considered using borders
instead (Format | Borders and Shading)?


They are drawing lines.
I know they will be moving when I reformat, add text ....

However what I find here curious is teh fact they they allways move down
whatever movement I try to obtain !

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