Lines look skinney, but print big and fat.


Gary Burton

I created a lot of lines across the page in my documents by inputing 3
or mor underscores, then hitting the enter key. These lines are acutally
the bottom side of an outside border. They look perfect on the screen, and
also when I do a print preview. When I actually print them, however, those
lines come out about 4 points fatter than they apprear on the screen or in
the preview. It also happens when I create a PDF file from theWord
document. It is a very obvious difference, and I haven't been able to find
a solution. Is there any way to prevent (or fix) this problem?

Word Heretic

G'day "Gary Burton" <[email protected]>,

Stick the cursor on the paragraph that is underlined. Format >
Paragraph > Borders :- the bottom border of this paragraph has been
set to fat for your liking.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Gary Burton reckoned:

Gary Burton

I was aware of how to make each individual line thinner, but I was
hoping for a way to set it globally. I have hundreds of those fat lines.

I am also very curious as to why the lines don't look fat on either the
screen display or the print preview. Do you have any feedback on that?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Gary

Gary said:
I was aware of how to make each individual line thinner, but I was
hoping for a way to set it globally. I have hundreds of those fat lines.

Well, that would certainly have been good to mention. :)

You can certainly loop through a document with, i.e., VBA and change the
width of such lines in one go. If you need help for that, one of the
..vba groups might be a good place to look for and maybe ask.

I am also very curious as to why the lines don't look fat on either the
screen display or the print preview. Do you have any feedback on that?

Screen resolution and printer resolution differ greatly. On screen, you
have something between 70-90 dpi, on a printer, you may have a lot more.
Also, on paper you see (most usually) 100%, while on screen you may
reasonably zoom a document between 50-200+%.


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