I hsve to do heaps of regressions and I have 4 x variables. The x variables
are side by side in the column though so I cant do a function like this
Linest (A1:100,B1:E:100) as w variables are in columns b,c,d the the other is
in column j.
Hence I need to do a calc such as linest(a1:a100,b1:d:100,j1:j100). This
doesnt work though as it doesnt acknowldge the varaibles in column J and
produces an error.
Whats the best way to get around this. I am not in a position to reformat
the spreadsheet and have all the x variables side by side in columns
I hsve to do heaps of regressions and I have 4 x variables. The x variables
are side by side in the column though so I cant do a function like this
Linest (A1:100,B1:E:100) as w variables are in columns b,c,d the the other is
in column j.
Hence I need to do a calc such as linest(a1:a100,b1:d:100,j1:j100). This
doesnt work though as it doesnt acknowldge the varaibles in column J and
produces an error.
Whats the best way to get around this. I am not in a position to reformat
the spreadsheet and have all the x variables side by side in columns