Just to give more background on what I am trying to do:
Variable A is in meters, B is in meters, C is the Ranking, D is th
number of attempts. The Result is the overall factor rated 10 is good
1 is bad
Let's say A could go from 1 - 100.
If A is between 0-20 meters, and 80-100 meters the Result (overal
factor) is very low.
Similarly for B.
C is the Ranking that could be 1 to 20. Again for low values of C th
Result(overall factor) is very low and high for high values of C.
D is the number of attempts an experiment is performed. If the value o
D is 1 that is first attempt then the REsult(factor) is very high. Fo
higher values of D the Result is very low.
Therefore I know how each variable individually affects th
Result(Overall Factor). I know that these 4 variables are related
Therefore I want to find an equation using the four variables t
calculate the Overall Factor
Variable A is in meters, B is in meters, C is the Ranking, D is th
number of attempts. The Result is the overall factor rated 10 is good
1 is bad
Let's say A could go from 1 - 100.
If A is between 0-20 meters, and 80-100 meters the Result (overal
factor) is very low.
Similarly for B.
C is the Ranking that could be 1 to 20. Again for low values of C th
Result(overall factor) is very low and high for high values of C.
D is the number of attempts an experiment is performed. If the value o
D is 1 that is first attempt then the REsult(factor) is very high. Fo
higher values of D the Result is very low.
Therefore I know how each variable individually affects th
Result(Overall Factor). I know that these 4 variables are related
Therefore I want to find an equation using the four variables t
calculate the Overall Factor