


Just to give more background on what I am trying to do:

Variable A is in meters, B is in meters, C is the Ranking, D is th
number of attempts. The Result is the overall factor rated 10 is good
1 is bad
Let's say A could go from 1 - 100.
If A is between 0-20 meters, and 80-100 meters the Result (overal
factor) is very low.
Similarly for B.
C is the Ranking that could be 1 to 20. Again for low values of C th
Result(overall factor) is very low and high for high values of C.
D is the number of attempts an experiment is performed. If the value o
D is 1 that is first attempt then the REsult(factor) is very high. Fo
higher values of D the Result is very low.
Therefore I know how each variable individually affects th
Result(Overall Factor). I know that these 4 variables are related
Therefore I want to find an equation using the four variables t
calculate the Overall Factor


LINEST won't work because it is for bivariate regression
as opposed to multivariate regression which is more what
you need.

In effect you want to assess the impact of a few
variables upon an overall value?

There is an number of ways of doing this. Depending on
how professional you want to be, I would maybe read about

Still, you can use <Tools> <Data Analysis> <Regression>
[this is only available as an Add-In] and input your x
and y values. From the resultant table you can get the
equation of the relationship and, more importantly, the t-
statistic will tell you how significant a given variable
is upon the Y (independent) variable.

Hopefully this can point you into the right direction.


Jerry W. Lewis

LINEST does univariate multivariable regression. You can predict only a
single y variable based on any number of x variables. That sounds like
the kind of stituation that the OP is describing.

Help for LINEST is extremely misleading. LINEST is not limited to
simple linear regression.

LINEST won't work because it is for bivariate regression
as opposed to multivariate regression which is more what
you need.

In effect you want to assess the impact of a few
variables upon an overall value?

There is an number of ways of doing this. Depending on
how professional you want to be, I would maybe read about

Still, you can use <Tools> <Data Analysis> <Regression>
[this is only available as an Add-In] and input your x
and y values. From the resultant table you can get the
equation of the relationship and, more importantly, the t-
statistic will tell you how significant a given variable
is upon the Y (independent) variable.

Hopefully this can point you into the right direction.

-----Original Message-----

Just to give more background on what I am trying to do:

Variable A is in meters, B is in meters, C is the
Ranking, D is the
number of attempts. The Result is the overall factor
rated 10 is good,
1 is bad
Let's say A could go from 1 - 100.
If A is between 0-20 meters, and 80-100 meters the
Result (overall
factor) is very low.
Similarly for B.
C is the Ranking that could be 1 to 20. Again for low
values of C the
Result(overall factor) is very low and high for high
values of C.
D is the number of attempts an experiment is performed.
If the value of
D is 1 that is first attempt then the REsult(factor) is
very high. For
higher values of D the Result is very low.
Therefore I know how each variable individually affects

Result(Overall Factor). I know that these 4 variables
are related.
Therefore I want to find an equation using the four
variables to
calculate the Overall Factor.


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