link a word to a word on another page



I'm pretty new at using publisher but have been able to learn alot thru this
forum..thanks! What i cant figure out is how to link a word on page 1 to a
spot maybe 1/2 way down on page 4.....i used to be able to do this easily in
FrontPage, so i hope i am just missing something.



This can be done by using the insert HTML code fragment to insert links and
anchors within your publication. However, you can't insert the proper link
within a text box. If you want instructions about inserting the code
snippets outside the text box, I can provide them.



Thanks David, i would like to learn how to do this. can i link a word in a
table with a word on another page? the destination page does have text
boxes....what is suggested?

Thanks again!


No, you can't use a table because a table will be converted to an image when
you Publish to the Web and create your HTML. That kills hyperlinks.
Secondly, the only way to do it right now is to use the Insert HTML code
Fragment tool, to insert a code fragment into your Pub doc...but not within
a text box, or a table...or overlapping any other design element.

First you need to understand how to use Bookmarks on a single page.
Reference: Bookmarks aka Hyperlinking to a place on a page:

Assuming that you are using Pub 2003, and the supporting folder option, then
Publish to The Web, to a folder on your hard drive where you can study the
files. Open the index_files folder and find the page name of the page where
you will insert the anchor tag. Then you will write your code snippet:

<A HREF="">Click here
for answer!</A>

Be sure to match upper and lower case exactly (example use the underscore,
not a space when typing "index_files") You can name your anchor tags
READHERE1, READHERE2, etc. or something else, and insert them into your
pages where you want the page to load. You can change the "click here for
answer" to any text you want. You can use the code fragment example for the
anchor tag as per the referenced article.


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