I could be accused of holding out on information. I have an
application designed for a single user and now the need is to have
multiple people use it. I setup a table that holds the order Id, so
different forms or reports can be processed without re-identifying the
Order Id each time.
I too am in the dangerous position of knowing very little about what you
are trying to do -- but this looks like an extraordinarily complicated
way of doing things. If you want to retain an OrderID number you could:
1 - use a global variable, or at least one with enough scope to
remain valid for as long as the report takes to process;
2 - keep a form open with it in a control;
3 - use a database property;
4 - put it in a table of "OrdersThatUsersAreProcessing" along with
the user id, so it doesn't get confused with the other users;
5 - maintain a single-record table in the user's local front end
mdb, so that it doesn't get confused with the other users;
The advantage of 1 and 2 is that you don't have to forget it at the end
of the session; with all the others you will have to tear down the
structure before the user closes the application. My personal favourite
would probably be (2), because it puts the user in control of the
process, whatever that is.
If you want to do 5, then it's no problem because you can simply access a
table in the local mdb without doing anything else.
If you want to do 4, then it's no problem because you can link to a back
end table just the same as all the other base tables.
Hope that helps
Tim F