Link an IF to a Vlooup




What I need to achive in cell B1 is: if A3 = "pippo" then value*exchange
rate, "", otherwise leave it blank

In A3 there is Vlookup returning a name.
As I said depending on the name I need the if function
in B1 to multiply the value by the exchange rate - USD to EURO

A3 contains a Vlookup and it does not return the name to the cell B1 that
contains the IF function therefore I am not able to establish if the formula
can or cannot convert the value from USD into EURO -

B1 is returning only true or false but not the name in A3 - The name (pippo)
in B1 is what I need.

Hope you can help - Thank you - Arno

Bob Phillips

I think I am missing something here, but why can't you just test A3

B1: =IF(A3="pippo",value*exchange,"")

where are value ad exchange?


Hi Bob,

valu can be anything let's say 5 and exchange rate 0.77 therefore:

B1: =IF(A3="pippo",5*0.77,"")


Sorry Bob,

not really sure what you mean by testing A3 however I have more than one
name that is why I need in B1 an IF formula to apply the exchange rate
depending on the name


Bob Phillips

Give some examples of the data and the results, it is just not making sense


W.Order Value Agency
5897.69 70.00 AIB
6544.83 80.00 MOODY
3136.50 40.00 BIE
#N/A 40.00
#N/A 40.00
#N/A 40.00
#N/A 40.00
#N/A 40.00
3136.50 40.00 BIE (in this cell L11 there is a vlookup)

Est. Rate
A11 = 78.41 USD THIS IS WHAT I NEED: E11 = IF(L11="MOODY", A11*A12,"")

A12= 0.77 Exchange rate

As I said unfortunately E11 is returning FALSE and not the agency name :)

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