link bar "x"


Liz Rava

I am having troubles with getting one of the links in my navigation bar to
show correctly when I publish it. When I preview in Frontpage 03, it looks
fine and dandy, but when I upload and look at it on the web, all I see is a
little "x" in the corner. I did the "recalculate hyperlinks" thing and
republished the entire web, and it didn't fix it. Any thoughts? Thanks in
advance for all of your help!!


Thomas A. Rowe

Make sure that you use the Change Pages Only option during publishing and that the image is inside
of the open web.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Liz Rava

I don't use the "publish" feature in FP, I go online and do a drag and drop
upload procedure. Any ideas? Thansk!

Liz Rava

I just checked my website online, and the link that has an "x" in it works
and goes to the correct page, it just isn't displaying right. What do you
think that means?

Mike Mueller

I think it means that you did not make sure that the image is inside of the

Try right clicking on the image placeholder and choose properties to see
where it thinks the image is. Most likeley it is referencing a file on your
local computer.

Best thing to do is to open the local page back up, import the image into
your web, and then point the page to look at the image inside of your web as
opposed to wherever it is looking. Republish the page(s) AND the image.

Thomas A. Rowe

Are you making changes directly on the live site or are you make the changes locally and then
drag-n-drop the changed page(s) into the live site?

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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