Link Bars & Hyperlinks


April Clark

Really easy task for some but I am new to this program. I
want to create Link Bars (buttons) on the left side of my
website for each page within the site. I can create a
plan hyperlink but can't figure out how to do the buttons
(Link Bars). Can anyone explain this to me in
Kindergarden language...ha ha?


Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
Really easy task for some but I am new to this program. I
want to create Link Bars (buttons) on the left side of my
website for each page within the site. I can create a
plan hyperlink but can't figure out how to do the buttons
(Link Bars). Can anyone explain this to me in
Kindergarden language...ha ha?


Well, once upon a time there was a B-I-G Web page...

Seriously, there are several ways to do this.
The "classic" is to open your Web, switch to Navigation
view, and arrange all your pages in a heirarchy. Then, you
add a Link Bar Based On Navigation View component to each
Web page. This component creates links to pages
that "neighbor" the current page in Navigation view.
(Apologies to Mr. Roberts.)

Shared Borders provide an automated way of adding a Link
Bar Based On Navigation View component to each page in
your site. To add a vertical bar at the left of every
page, choose Shared Borders from the Format menu, set
Apply to All Pages, click the Left check box, and then
click the Include Navigation Buttons check box.

To get graphical buttons, either apply a Theme to your
entire site, or configure each link bar component with the
Theme appearance you want. Changing the appearance of one
link bar component in a Shared Border changes the
appearance of that component in all pages where it appears.

If diagramming your site in Navigation view is too
tedious, or doesn't provide enough flexibility, then add a
Link Bar With Custom Links component to each page. To do
this, choose Web Component from the Insert menu, then Link
Bars, then Bar With Custom Links. Click Next, give the
link bar a name, and then click the Add Link button once
for each link you want. Use the Style tab to select the
appearance you want.

A third alternative is to create your own graphical
buttons from scratch. Typically you create two graphics
for each button. Then add the first graphic to your page.
Next, on the DHTML Effects toolbar, choose Mouse Over,
Swap Picture, Choose Picture, and specify the second
graphic. Finally, select the button and build a hyperlink
in the normal way.

Well, that's all for today. Nap time.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

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