Link betw een 2 html files created from Visio



I have two visio files with many many pages within them. I save both files
"as a webpage". I want a link from one hml file to different pages in the
other html file. I have found this is easy within Visio - there is an option
to have a sub-address. But in the html files once they are all packaged up to
search and navigate - I can't find a html for a given page. It just keeps
taking me to the front page if it works at all.

Any help?



I think I understand what you are saying and I have tried this and it does
not work for me. Could you perhaps explain it again to make sure I understand

If I go into the folder that Visio creates and try to link to an individual
..htm page I get an error saying it can't find the link.


Afraid not. I am having a lot of trouble finding any information on how the
"save to html" function works. Sorry...


So my file which contains 10 pages (call it File abc) and from another file
(call it File def) I want to link to page 7 (from abc) I first save abc as a
webpage which has all 10 pages in it. Then I goto to a shape in def and
navigate to the htm file for page 7 in abc that visio created for me and
remove the relative link check. I save my webpages as JPEG I'm not sure what
you are saving yours as but give it a shot and let me know.


Here is what my work around was... I saved the file I was going to link to
first as a webpage which contains multiple pages. Then the page I needed to
link from I went to the shapes and navigated to into the Webpage folder Visio
created and linked to the html page for that page. It works and I don't have
to save each page by itself!

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