i want to link an excel worksheet to a word document. the spreadsheet has
multiple tabs. i have name the range that i want to link. copied it and
then went into word - clicked Edit / Paste Special / Paste link / Microsoft
office worksheet object. i get a message that ways "Wod cannot obtain the
data for the excel.sheet.8link" if i don't name the range, the link works
fine. however, if i add lines to the excel spreadsheet it doesn't update in
word. the link shows the range as an R1C1 notation which means that if the
range was A1
10 and i added lines to the spreadsheet, i would only get the
A1:O10 range when i updated the link.
thanks for your help in advance
multiple tabs. i have name the range that i want to link. copied it and
then went into word - clicked Edit / Paste Special / Paste link / Microsoft
office worksheet object. i get a message that ways "Wod cannot obtain the
data for the excel.sheet.8link" if i don't name the range, the link works
fine. however, if i add lines to the excel spreadsheet it doesn't update in
word. the link shows the range as an R1C1 notation which means that if the
range was A1
A1:O10 range when i updated the link.
thanks for your help in advance