Link "forgot password" are lost



Hello all,

we have a problem with a groove-clint under groove 3.1

the user on this affected machine would like to log in, but the
password are lost. we have a groove management server in our office
and for this scenario we can reset the password when the affected
client use the link forgot password.

our problem is, the dialogbox have a link for "help" but not "forgot
password" and this dialog has a big bar with the button "cancel" and

my question is, what can we do to enable the link "forgot password"?
is this a bug on the affected client?

for your help we are very happy.

kind regards

Frances Selkirk [MSFT]

If the authentication dialog box doesn't have the link, the account did not
receive the policy. Perhaps the client never connected to the Management
server, or the client version is not supported by the domain reset policy. In
either case, the ability to reset a password cannot be added after that
password is lost.

Here is a link that includes instructions for cleanly creating a new account:

How to access your workspaces if you forget your Groove password;EN-US;917162

If the client is running Groove Virtual Office 3.0e or an earlier version,
the following links may help you avoid this problem in the future:

Prerequisites to reset the password of a Groove domain member who is running
Groove Virtual Office 3.0e or an earlier

How to restore manual password reset functionality for older clients after
you upgrade the Groove Enterprise Management Server to version 3.0f or a
later version;EN-US;913601

I hope this helps.


Hello Frances,

thanks a lot for your answer, but in our ManagementServer we had
activated this functionality. All other clients will be have not this

What I can do for solve this?

Kind regards

Frances Selkirk [MSFT]

I understand that you have set the password reset policy on the server. As I
said, the client must receive the policy from the server. If it did not, you
cannot fix that after the password is lost. There are also different password
reset policies for older versions of Groove, and again, the client must
receive the policy from the server before the password is lost.

If the client does not have the link, you cannot reset the password.

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