Link from a drop down list


Jose L Guillen


I have create a workbook with 5 different tabs.
Tab 1: Master Sheet
Tab 2: xxxxx
Tab 3: yyyyy

My problem starts when I want to link a option drop down list from my
"Master Sheet" to a different worksheet within the same workbook. And select
the first aviable cell from that assigned colum in the Tab 2, or 3 or where
ever I want to send it.

Ex: Drop down list in any cell (from Master Sheet/diferent values)


I want to link option 1111 to Tab 2 to a specific colum B to the first
aviable empty cell. Or option 2222 to Tab 2, etc, etc..... Seems to me as a
cross references!!!

Note: I have try "IF", I have try "CHOOSE", and many others. My head spins!!!

I hope this make sence. If someone can help me, I will be deeply thankful.

Thanks in advance, Jose.

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