Link from outlook contact to onenote



I have Outlook 2007 and onenote 2007 and am trying o figure out how to link
the two together by Contacts. I can create a new page of notes in onenote
from the ribbon in an outlook contact but it will only create a new page
either on the curent section or a preselected default section. I want it to
create a new section under the contacts name in Onenote and return to that
section whenever I click on it in outlook. The linkback from onenote to
outlook is great, but I need a link going the other way as well. My ideal
situation is this: When I click a button in an outlook contact it creates a
new section in a preselected notebook using the contact name if there is no
such notes page already in existance for that contact. If there is already a
onenote section for the contact, it simply takes me there. This way I have a
section of a notebook that can track any and all notes that I make for a
contact and can always get there from the contacts page in outlook.

Rainald Taesler

kanigetts said:
I have Outlook 2007 and onenote 2007 and am trying o figure out how
to link the two together by Contacts.

Different from the situation with appointments it works pretty fine with
The only problem: A link to a page in ON unfortunately is not *VISIBLE*
in ON.
I really do not know why and how during the development processes the
feature of *showing* that a link to ON exists has not been implemented.
I think to remember that I posted on this during the Beta period
multiple times. Possibly too late for the Outlook team to add the needed
feature to OL said:
I can create a new page of
notes in onenote from the ribbon in an outlook contact but it will
only create a new page either on the curent section or a
preselected default section. I want it to create a new section
under the contacts name in Onenote and return to that section
whenever I click on it in outlook.

You have to do this manually prior to creating a link Outlook.
But: really a new *section*? Wouldn't a new *page* just be sufficient?
Additional information could later be placed in subpages.
My suggestion would be to create a section for "Contacts" and set this
as the default for what comes from OL.
The linkback from onenote to
outlook is great, but I need a link going the other way as well.

The link is there! But it's not *visible* in ON.
Once a page is created in ON from OL, a simple click on the ON icon in
the Ribbon in OL opens the respective page in ON. This even if the page
has been moved
My ideal situation is this: When I click a button in an outlook
contact it creates a new section in a preselected notebook using
the contact name if there is no such notes page already in
existance for that contact. If there is already a onenote section
for the contact, it simply takes me there.

That's how it works.
This way I have a
section of a notebook that can track any and all notes that I make
for a contact and can always get there from the contacts page in

It works like that.
But it's just not shown in ON that there already is a link.

So one has to work around the missing semaphore for the link.
Way to go:
Just put a remark into the "Notes" section in OL Contacts page.
The easiest way: just type it.
But one could also "insert" an image (just an icon placed in some easy
to reach folder).
Or: manually place a link in the "Notes" section
- in ON open the context menu (right click) and select "Create Hyperlink
- switch to OL and paste the link (Shift+ Ins / Ctrl+V).
The text of this link in OL can be edited and it can be used to open the
page in ON (instead of clicking the ON icon in the Ribbon).


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