Link picture to excel so i can update easily



new to word, some experience with excel. I have a word doc that i copy a
picture/graph into each month - when the data is updated. Is it possible to
have a generic word doc that i can link to the sourced excel graph and just
hit update once the new data has arrived in the excel file?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?R2Vvcmdl?=,
new to word, some experience with excel. I have a word doc that i copy a
picture/graph into each month - when the data is updated. Is it possible to
have a generic word doc that i can link to the sourced excel graph and just
hit update once the new data has arrived in the excel file?
Probably not, at least, not without some help from a macro.

If you link to something in an Excel file, Word uses a LINK field behind the
scenes. And the LINK field is very picky and literal-minded. It requires the
exact path to the Excel file, and the exact internal name of the object you
link to.

This means the file path almost certainly needs to be altered. And if the
Excel file isn't always created from a "standard template", the name of the
object might change, as well.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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