Link template



Hi there,
I'm creating word 2007 templates, with many templates have the same header
and footer but different body. Is it possible to have one template for header
& footer and other template base on that template? Because these templates
need to change header every 2-4 years and need to modifty all templates just
the header if I can change only the header template then other templates base
on the header will change too. any ideas?

Jean-Guy Marcil

Madison was telling us:
Madison nous racontait que :
Hi there,
I'm creating word 2007 templates, with many templates have the same
header and footer but different body. Is it possible to have one
template for header & footer and other template base on that
template? Because these templates need to change header every 2-4
years and need to modifty all templates just the header if I can
change only the header template then other templates base on the
header will change too. any ideas?

I am not sure how viable this suggestion is, but here goes anyways...

You could setup the template so that they all have an AutoText field where
you want the logo in the heeder.
Store the AutoText in the Normal template.

So, when you change the logo, the AutoText field will update as well.

Alternatively, you could store the AutoText in each template, but create
macro that will run and change all target AutoText in all templates in a
specific folder...

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