Link to a hidden cell in excel



Hello i posted this in Word General questions, but did not get any help there.
So now i hope that it is possible to work around this problem in VBA.

My problem:
I have made a word document that gathers information from an Excel sheet
trough field links (copy and paste special).
I also use a macro to update the links automatically.

In the excel sheet I want to hide some of the cells that I have linked to,
but when I hide the cells in excel the information disappears from the word
document. Does anybody know how I can work around this problem?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Based on tests that I have performed, I do not think that it is possible.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
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Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Is there an other way to get values from excel that could work in this case


Hi Ronny,

AFAIK, the only link format that works in spite of the cell being hidden is HTML (this works in Word 2000).

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