The key lies in your comment, "My sheets do have unique names."
The formula given by both Don and Gord relies on the sheets have names,
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 etc.
=INDIRECT("Sheet" & (ROW()) & "!A2")
What the formula says is, go to Sheet(number-as indicated by row)) and cell
If you have sheets that are named Kansas, California, NewJersey, Montana
etc., then this formula above will not work.
Here is one possible way to address your unique named sheets
You need to modify the above formula to something like....
=INDIRECT("'"&VLOOKUP(ROW(),J1:K50,2,FALSE)&"'!A2") where J1:K50 is a lookup
table. In Col J, have the numbers 1-50, and in Col K, have the state names.
Then the formula will pick up the appropriate sheet name and concatenate it
with A2.
I have the same question as Susan. Suggestion does not
seem to work. My sheets do have unique names. Is there
an alternative solution? Thanks, Alsweb