I have a document withone sheet for every project. I have one sheet where i
summarize important infor from each project-sheets like this:
A1: Project name
B1: Hours worked
C1: Invoice ammount
D1: Invoice date
etc. etc.
What i would like is when i add a new sheet with a new project, i would just
like to Copy/Paste the last row to the next, and it would refer to the next
sheet. When i do this now, it still refers to the same sheet, but adds 1 to
the cell number.
I give the tabs names according to the project name. but is there some
analogy to cell reference. Like: $C$4sheet1 and when i copy this it turns to
Mybe if i can get the sheet-name in one column, then the data in the other
columns can use this as a reference to the correct sheet?
A1= ProjectName(Name from sheet1-tab) B1=A1!B5 C1=A1!F7
A2=ProjectName(Name from sheet2-tab) B2=A2!B5 C2=A2!F7
In that way i only have to copy/paste the correct tab-name of the sheet into
the A-column.
summarize important infor from each project-sheets like this:
A1: Project name
B1: Hours worked
C1: Invoice ammount
D1: Invoice date
etc. etc.
What i would like is when i add a new sheet with a new project, i would just
like to Copy/Paste the last row to the next, and it would refer to the next
sheet. When i do this now, it still refers to the same sheet, but adds 1 to
the cell number.
I give the tabs names according to the project name. but is there some
analogy to cell reference. Like: $C$4sheet1 and when i copy this it turns to
Mybe if i can get the sheet-name in one column, then the data in the other
columns can use this as a reference to the correct sheet?
A1= ProjectName(Name from sheet1-tab) B1=A1!B5 C1=A1!F7
A2=ProjectName(Name from sheet2-tab) B2=A2!B5 C2=A2!F7
In that way i only have to copy/paste the correct tab-name of the sheet into
the A-column.