How do I set links in my Excel document to specific separate pages of a multi-page Visio document?
Q Quizzy53 Jan 11, 2008 #1 How do I set links in my Excel document to specific separate pages of a multi-page Visio document?
J John Goldsmith Jan 11, 2008 #2 Hello Quizzy, Add your hyperlink in the normal way and then add a hash character follwed by the respective page name. For example: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desktop\Drawing1.vsd#Page-2 Best regards John John Goldsmith
Hello Quizzy, Add your hyperlink in the normal way and then add a hash character follwed by the respective page name. For example: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desktop\Drawing1.vsd#Page-2 Best regards John John Goldsmith