Link & Update Two Workbooks



I have two workbooks that contain some of the same information that I would
like to partially combine.

My first workbook has account number, account name, and billing month as the
column headings. Each row contains the account number & name, and day of the
month that I received each report for billing.
Acct num | acct name | jan billing | feb billing
123456 | abc company | 12/8 | 1/26
And so on for the whole year.

My other sheet lists the account number and name and a column titled "last
report received", as well as other information, not specifically related to
the report.

I'd like a formula to take the most recent report date from the 1st book and
plug it into the second book, corresponding to the same row. I'd also like
it to automatically update itself (if it can...). So when I enter a report
date in December in the first book, it would list 12/04 as the most recent
report date in the second book.

I hope that made sense.... Thank you in advance for your help.

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