I have a master workbook that links to several other workbooks. In the master
workbook, my formula is set up to reference a cell. If I type the number "1"
in the reference cell ($C$4) and the link does not find the linked workbook
(,(IF(ISERROR('G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\WOR\P03
Week5\[Jackson.xls]ROLLUP'!$M$77)=TRUE,0,), the intent was to leave a blank
in the formula cell (e.g "-"). I have pasted my formula below. The
("if(iserror") part of the formula is not working. Any thoughts on how I may
correct or change the formula?
=IF($C$4=1,(IF(ISERROR('G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\WOR\P03
Week5\[Jackson.xls]ROLLUP'!$M$77)=TRUE,0,('G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\WOR\P03
Week5\[Jackson.xls]ROLLUP'!$M$77))),VLOOKUP(3,'G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\Flash\[Region
workbook, my formula is set up to reference a cell. If I type the number "1"
in the reference cell ($C$4) and the link does not find the linked workbook
(,(IF(ISERROR('G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\WOR\P03
Week5\[Jackson.xls]ROLLUP'!$M$77)=TRUE,0,), the intent was to leave a blank
in the formula cell (e.g "-"). I have pasted my formula below. The
("if(iserror") part of the formula is not working. Any thoughts on how I may
correct or change the formula?
=IF($C$4=1,(IF(ISERROR('G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\WOR\P03
Week5\[Jackson.xls]ROLLUP'!$M$77)=TRUE,0,('G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\WOR\P03
Week5\[Jackson.xls]ROLLUP'!$M$77))),VLOOKUP(3,'G:\Orlcorr\FY 06\Flash\[Region