i have the following to put something into an email body. trying to figure
out how to put an <a href> link in it also..
l_Msg.HTMLBody = "<html><p><font size=""1"" color=""999999"" face =
""arial""><b><u>" _
& emailTITLE & "</u></b></font><br>" _
& "<font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY2 & "</font>" _
& "</p>" _
& "<font size=""1"" color=""999999"" face = ""arial""><b><u>" _
& BDY3 & "</u></b></font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY4 & "</font>" _
& "<br><br><font size=""1"" color=""999999"" face = ""arial""><b><u>" _
& BDY5 & "</u></b></font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY6 & "</font>" _
thanks in advance,
i have the following to put something into an email body. trying to figure
out how to put an <a href> link in it also..
l_Msg.HTMLBody = "<html><p><font size=""1"" color=""999999"" face =
""arial""><b><u>" _
& emailTITLE & "</u></b></font><br>" _
& "<font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY2 & "</font>" _
& "</p>" _
& "<font size=""1"" color=""999999"" face = ""arial""><b><u>" _
& BDY3 & "</u></b></font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY4 & "</font>" _
& "<br><br><font size=""1"" color=""999999"" face = ""arial""><b><u>" _
& BDY5 & "</u></b></font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY6 & "</font>" _
thanks in advance,