Linked cells and text wrap / autofit function


Ken H

I am trying to link a cell to another cell that contains text only and have
the linked cell auto fit. I have wrap text and autofit enabled for the entire
sheet. Per previous discussions I don't have any merged cells anywhere in the
workbook. In fact these are the only two cells that currently contain any
data. My data entry cell autofits fine but the linked cell dosen't change
unless I perform an autofit command to it then it won't change until I do it
Thanks for reading and any help you may have.

Dave Peterson

That's the way excel works.

You could have an event macro resize the rows/columns whenever the worksheet
recalculates. But be aware that these kinds of things will kill your edit|Undo

If you want to try, right click on the worksheet tab that should have this
behavior. Select view code and paste this into the code window:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'or be specific
End Sub

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