Linked Images for Catalog Merge


Kurt Rodenhizer

I am trying to generate a catalog and wish to link the part numbers from a
dbase with the images stored in a folder. The images have been named in
accordance to the part number (eg. for part#1050 there is a 1050.gif and so
on for several hundred parts).

Isn't there a way to have all images automatically insert itself alongside
of the text fields for each part? That is what I feel should happen
according to the help file ("select file path but do not select the image").
I can't seem to get this to work. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks

Brian Kvalheim - [MSFT MVP]

Hi Kurt Rodenhizer ([email protected]),
in the newsgroups
you posted:

|| I am trying to generate a catalog and wish to link the part numbers
|| from a dbase with the images stored in a folder. The images have
|| been named in accordance to the part number (eg. for part#1050 there
|| is a 1050.gif and so on for several hundred parts).
|| Isn't there a way to have all images automatically insert itself
|| alongside of the text fields for each part? That is what I feel
|| should happen according to the help file ("select file path but do
|| not select the image"). I can't seem to get this to work. Anyone
|| know how to do this?

Your pictures need to be store in a folder, say like My Pictures. So if you
have a picture called part#1050.jpg, you would create a notepad (or
excel...or whatever) database of the pictures. If you were using Excel, you
would put C:\My Documents\My Pictures\part#1050.jpg in sell A1. Then Cell A2
would have C:\My Documents\My Pictures\part#1051.jpg. etc...etc.

Then you would connect to the Excel spreadsheet as your datasource. Check
out the following link:
Brian Kvalheim
Microsoft Publisher MVP
~pay it forward~

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